
Google Drive: what is it and how to use it for your company?

Ash Baggott

Needless to say, Google Drive is one of the most versatile cloud storage solutions available today. If you don’t know what it is, you should. Here’s an overview of what Google Drive really is and how your company can start using it today.

What is Google Drive?

Firstly, it’s important to say that using Google Drive is different to what you may be used to, especially its suite of apps like Google Docs and Sheets. Google Drive is essentially a cloud storage service (think Dropbox) – on steroids – like any cloud storage service its main purpose is to provide you with the ability to increase your storage beyond your hard drive limits.

15GB is the amount of storage they will provide you with by just signing up. Although many users will settle for this amount, if you need more you can pay for between 100 gigabytes and 30 terabytes, you can either pay monthly or yearly.

Google Drive and Google Services

Google Drive collaborates with Google Docs to make a powerful tool that allows multiple users to edit documents on their computer, smartphone, or tablet in real-time. Google Docs allows users to create Docs, Sheets, and Slides – essentially, it’s Google’s version of Mircrosoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

You’ll need to have access to a Google account to use the service, this will be free of charge and can be easily set up in a few minutes. This account will give you access to Drive, Gmail, Photos, YouTube, Play Store, and so on. You can access Drive on the web and via the Apple Store/Android app.

Why should your company use Google Drive?

Many business owners may use multiple different devices throughout the day. Issues with operating systems on computers and mobile devices that aren’t compatible with different programs will be a daily occurrence. Owning your business is difficult enough without having the pressure of researching and choosing programs that will run effectively.

  1. The Business Apps

Fortunately, Google Business Apps enable users to share, edit and comment and documents, presentations and forms from anywhere. One of these is Google Drive, which allows many features that are unavailable with other programs.

  1. Work from anywhere

Whether you are at home, on vacation or away on a business trip, Google Drive allows you to access your files and folders from anywhere, including your mobile phone. Your files are stored in Google’s cloud network and by accessing your Google account, you have full access to everything you need.

No need to worry about file conversions as Google Drive has all of the apps you need so you can get on with your work, no matter where you are and it will work on all operating systems.

  1. Uploading and file sharing

No doubt, one of Google’s greatest assets is file sharing. Files and folders can be created through Google Drive or uploaded directly from your computer. Once a file is set up you can share it by adding names on your contact list or inserting email addresses, even if you don’t have a Google account, you can view the files as a guest.

  1. Drive’s security

Uniquely, keeping your files safe yet allowing others to view and revise them is something that Google Drive presents. You also have complete control over what file can be seen and who can edit it.

So no matter what you do, Google Drive offers solutions for your business, you don’t have to worry about finding programs that work on all of your devices. Your documents, power points, photos and spreadsheets are available to you anytime and any place. With Holded, you can integrate your Google Drive, making your system the best it can be. Find out more.

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