Online Cash Flow Calculation

In your Holded account, your cash flow is automatically updated with every action you take. Find the information you need to navigate your Cash Flow with absolute traceability.

Customise your Cash Flow


Activate or deactivate the documents you want to display and your estimates will be updated instantly. Change whenever you want and manage your cashbox with maximum flexibility.

Your automatic liquidity forecast

View your liquidity forecast graphically and numerically, automatically generated from your payments and receipts, future maturities, and the forecasts you want to add.

Add objectives


Add cash goals each month or year by sales channel or expense account, all at the click of a button.

Full traceability


Check in detail where your Cash Flow data comes from. Click on a month, count and view all documents and forecasts that affect cash flow during that month.

Try Holded completely free and without limits for 14 days

You can do many things with Holded, but you don't have to know everything to start.

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